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Getting Started

To invite the bot, you may use this link.

Here you can choose the server you wish to invite the bot to and choose what permissions it should have. It's best to leave the permissions alone, or you'll most likely run into issues. By default, the bot is assigned the following scopes and permissions:


  • bot
  • applications.commands


  • Read Messages/View Channels
  • Send Messages
  • Create Public Threads
  • Send Messages in Threads
  • Manage Messages
  • Embed Links
  • Attach Files
  • Read Message History
  • Use External Emojis

Setting Up the Bot

The bot now uses application/slash commands. This provides better integration into Discord and is a more efficient way to use the bot.

Once the bot is in your server, there are a few housekeeping things you need to do. (You must have the Manage Server permission to complete these steps.)

  1. Create and set a suggestions channel by running /config channel <channel>.
    1. Add the bot to that channel's permissions and exclusively give it the permissions Send Messages and Add Reactions. (Add additional permissions depending on what you gave the bot in your server.)
    2. Disable Send Messages and Add Reactions for @everyone to only allow the bot to send messages and to prevent users from adding unnecessary message reactions.
  2. Set up your logs/results channel for approved/rejected suggestions by running /config logs <channel>.
    1. Add the bot to that channel's permissions and exclusively give it the permissions Send Messages. (Add additional permissions depending on what you gave the bot in your server.)
    2. Disable Send Messages and Add Reactions for @everyone to only allow the bot to send messages and to prevent users from adding unnecessary message reactions.
  3. Adjust the permissions of the approve and reject slash commands in your server's settings via the Integrations page.

Once you completed those steps, you should be set to go! Go to Managing Suggestions for more information on approving/rejecting suggestions.