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Managing Suggestions


< >Required
[ ]Optional

Note: The above placeholders are not required. They are simply to show you what the required fields are. The bot will tell you what fields are required.

| = Means "or" administrator = A user with the Manage Server permission


Managing suggestions is simple. Each suggestion is assigned a Suggestion ID (sID). From there, staff members can either approve, reject, or add a note to a suggestion with the sID. The sID is located in the footer of each suggestion:


Bring out Wumpus to meet the fans!

Results so far
: 3
: 1
User ID: 158063324699951104 | sID: lrt97z1s

You can also find the sID in the message the bot sends after you send a suggestion.

Hey, anthony. Your suggestion has been sent to suggestions to be voted one!

Please wait until it gets approved or rejected by a staff member.

Your suggestion ID (sID) for reference is lrt97z1s
Guild ID: 601219766258106399 | sID: lrt97z1s

Alternatively, you can use the message ID of the suggestion message to manage a suggestion, especially if you're using the bot on mobile. Click here to check out a tutorial on how to find a message ID.

However, you won't have to worry too much about trying to remember IDs. The bot will autocomplete the suggestion ID as you type it out!

Suggestion Threads

If enabled, you can have the bot automatically create threads when a new suggestion is submitted as well as have them automatically archived when a suggestion is approved or rejected. View the respective configuration sections for more information.

Slash Command Permissions

If you haven't already done so, please refer to the Getting Started section to set up slash command permissions. By default, only administrators can manage suggestions. However, if you want other staff members to have access to these commands, please refer to the aforementioned section.

DM Responses

DM responses are sent to the suggestion submitter based on various actions. DM responses may be toggled by running /config dm <enable/disable>. This means DMs to the suggestion submitter will or won't be sent via these actions based on how you configure the bot for your server:

  • suggestion submitted
  • suggestion approved
  • suggestion rejected
  • suggestion note added

By default, DM responses are enabled. This can be configured by an administrator.

Users can also individually choose if they wish to receive DM responses. This can be configured by running /dm <enable|disable>. This will override the server-wide setting unless the server has disabled DM responses.

Approving Suggestions

Suggestions are approved via either the sID or message ID. Once you have it, run the command /approve <sID|message ID>. Afterward, series of actions will happen:

  • The suggestion will update as "Approved" in the suggestions channel and its results will be logged.
  • The user will receive a DM that you approved their suggestion.
  • The results of that suggestion will be posted to the suggestion logs channel.
  • If a response has been added via /approve <sID|message ID> [response], that will be displayed in the results message.
  • If the suggestion has a thread attached, it'll automatically be archived if enabled in the configuration.
: 5
: 3

Bring out Wumpus to meet the fans!


Approved By

sID: lrt97z1s

An optional response may also be left on suggestions when approving:

: 5
: 3

Bring out Wumpus to meet the fans!


Approved By

Thank you for supporting Wumpus!
sID: lrt97z1s

If you enabled DM responses and the user has enabled them, they will receive a DM that their suggestion has been approved.

Hey, anthony. Your suggestion has been approvedanthony!

Your suggestion ID (sID) for reference is lrt97z1s
Guild ID: 601219766258106399 | sID: lrt97z1s

It seems like a lot, doesn't it? It really isn't, because it all happens in the matter of seconds!

Rejecting Suggestions

Rejecting suggestions work the same way as approving suggestions. Once you run the command /reject <sID|message ID> [response], the same series of actions will happen as stated above, but information of the suggestion being rejected will be posted instead.

: 5
: 3

Bring out Wumpus to meet the fans!


Rejected By

sID: lrt97z1s

Just like with approving suggestions, you can add an optional response to the rejection and receive a DM from the bot (if applicable).

: 5
: 3

Bring out Wumpus to meet the fans!


Rejected By

Sorry, Wumpus does not have enough fans...
sID: lrt97z1s
Hey, anthony. Your suggestion has been rejectedanthony!

Your suggestion ID (sID) for reference is lrt97z1s
Guild ID: 601219766258106399 | sID: lrt97z1s

Suggestions Logging

When a suggestion is approved or rejected, the following information will be logged:

  • the results (this is from the vote count collected via the vote buttons)
  • the suggestion
  • the submitter
  • the staff member that approved or rejected the suggestion
  • the sID
  • the response (if one was given)
Hey, anthony. Your suggestion has been approvedanthony!

Staff Response: Thank you for supporting Wumpus!

Your suggestion ID (sID) for reference is lrt97z1s
Guild ID: 601219766258106399 | sID: lrt97z1s

If you wish to set up the suggestion logs channel, you may refer to the steps below:

  1. Create a new channel and give it a name such as suggestion-results.
  2. Add the bot to your newly created channel and give it the Send Messages permission.
  3. Add additional permissions depending on what the bot has assigned in your server.
  4. Disable Send Messages and Add Reactions for @everyone to only allow the bot to send messages and to prevent unnecessary message reactions.

Clearing Suggestions

There may be a time when you have a duplicate or bugged suggestion. In this instance, the suggestion message may clog up your channel, or the suggestion ID may clog up auto-complete.

Due to this issue, we introduced the /clear command to help manage these suggestions. Provide the suggestion ID or select it from auto-complete to execute the command.

I have cleared lrt97z1s for you.

Optionally, a response note on why it was cleared may be added to the suggestion via the response option. At this time, this response is internal and can't be viewed.